U.S. Department of Agriculture agrees that plants are of benefit in Infections
It comes as no surprise that the government has found the simple oil of citrus has antibacterial properties. Through testing on animals that have found that the use of this oil has killed such common bacteria as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, E. Coli, and others. Using large animals in the studies they have done they were amazed that the use of citrus peels, specifically Orange peels, resulted in less morbidity of the animals. The citrus peels were nontoxic yet very effective in the antimicrobial kill percentage. This is important because there are more and more antibiotics that are no longer effective for the ever
changing bacteria in the environment. Not to ignore the danger of animals used for food having antibiotic residue. If consumed by humans the antibiotics have detrimental effects on the body due to their chemistry long term or by contributing to the overall worldwide antimicrobial resistance trend. Many animals have to be removed from the food chain due to this problem. Imagine if all that was needed was to use something as simple as citrus in theform of peels or essential oils to protect against infection. At MaRiLa veterinary clinic the use of essential oils for infections is common. The number of essential oils available is only limited by the number of plants in the world. Many times an oil can be used /or multiple reasons. This is one advantage of these products. An antibiotic is usually limited to just that use. Essential oils are multipotent and useful. They are safe for all animals. Toxicity is only seen with substandard oils. Only the purest oils are used for medical conditions. In fact using
Substandard oils could make many conditions worse since the extender used in the oil can be toxic to animals. This fact has lead to false reports of pets being affected adversely by essential oils when in fact it is the extender that is too blame. Hopefully with the government recognizing the value in natural products more studies will be done. With this it can only be hoped that the holistic care industry will finally be given the validation it deserves. It will mean that substandard products and the associated toxicity will be regulated. The companies will have to prove their claims and show proof of the data. The end result will be an industry that is recognized as valid, with studies and data to prove their claims, and less toxicity for the animal world. A lot of companies may not be around when the data does not support their claims nor should they be if the supplement does not support the claims. A holistic approach, if used, has to be as valid as conventional methods otherwise the animal is not receiving standard of care, the owner is throwing away money , and the end result is increased morbidity/ mortality.
Rx Vitamins for Pets
Nutritional and Vitamin supplements for pets.
We use the products at Marila Veterinary clinic for pets with cancer, liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal concerns. The products provide overall whole body support to assist in conventional treatment plans.
Some of the products used most commonly at our clinic:
Rx Biotic - pre and pro biotic mixture
Rx Clay - toxin absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
Rx Amino B& K - renal support and potassium levels
Rx Hepato support - milk thistle supplement for liver
Rx Phos Bind - if diet is not enough to lower Phosphorus in renal patients
Rx Zyme - digestive enzymes for pancreatic patients
Rx GlucaMune - for increased macrophage activity in cancer
Rx D3 - for cancer support
Rx Hemp - for cancer support
There are many other products listed that provide a natural means to support the pet.
The products are used with conventional forms of treatment or by themselves if the pet can not tolerate the traditional route.
Why does Marila Veterinary clinic suggest all these different companies and products? What is the best?
All the companies suggested and all the supplements mentioned are different forms to achieve the same goal. The goal is the best health, the best quality of life, and a happy member of the family. This goal is not reached by a single product or company. Some products work with the body for only a certain time but are what is called for at the moment. This may change over time and a new supplement or different formulation made by a different company maybe in order. We will work with you and your pet to find the best plan to achieve health. The patient also has an opinion about the care. Felines can be strong minded and just say no. Alternative formulations are used. Canines are more easy to reason with but not in every case and some are very suspicious of smell or texture. Alternative formulations are used. It is all about finding the best solution for the given patient.
Doctor's Choice Supplements
When the ancestors of the modern day dog were in the wild, they would kill an animal and eat the digestive tract contents. This is where the dog received its vegetables, B vitamins, probiotics and digestive enzymes. Modern day commercially processed dog food is extruded to add palatability and stability, but it is the heat of the extrusion process (the making of kibble) that destroys those same B-vitamins, probiotics and digestive enzymes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a veterinarian like me to realize there are benefits to supplementation.
Doctor’s Choice developed Fido-Vite because there was no product on the market that fit the needs to deal with the nutrition problems I was seeing. Fido-Vite is the best and most complete complement to commercial dog food available. Fido-Vite is also an excellent complement to raw food or barf diets. Fido-Vite comes in a palatable meal form so all the enzymes, B-vitamins and probiotics added to the product are available to elevate the dog’s health. No matter how good a product looks, it can’t help the dog if they won’t consume it. Backed up with solid research, Being a veterinarian, I can’t stress enough the importance of intestinal health to the overall health of the dog. That’s why at Doctor’s Choice, we say“Improving Health… From the Inside Out”.
I have enjoyed seeing the overall health benefits in dogs using Fido-Vite. My own Labrador Retrievers and Corgi dogs have had large healthy litters of puppies long after most bitches would be considered done producing. My wife Wendy, daughter Nicole and I have really enjoyed raising these dogs and seeing the health benefits and longevity from Fido-Vite.
R. Dean Meyer DVM
A word about Raw Diets
1. Although some pets thrive on the raw diets some do not and cannot tolerate the diets
2. Some raw diets are nutritionally complete while others are ONLY for supplementation
3. Quality control of the meat - how is it raised, how is it processed, what method do they use to slaughter the animal, how quickly is it frozen, freeze dried , or is it fresh
4. Benefits to this form of diet are variable
5. Raw diet nutrition data - balanced diets for raw have been taken from the commercial companies. If it wasn't for the commercial companies and the years of research done on animals in the field and facilities, the raw diet companies would have a difficult time developing a complete diet or what to include in the diet.
6. There is question about the nutrition value for long term feeding in many of the compaines diets
7. Cooking can make a a diet more allergenic in some cases
8. Raw has more macro-nutrients digestibility and higher energy as a strong point claim
9. Cooked diets have increased breakdown of nutrients and can make them more bio-available for absorption in the gastrointestinal tract than raw in some cases (Generic Viagra). In other cases it makes them less bioavailable.
10. Samonellla and Escherichia coli are still an issue that cannot be ignored since freezing and freeeze dried methods do not kill these bacteria
11. Bacteria can affect the pet and human if contracted. Espeicaillly in those who are young, elderly, those pregnant or immune compromised
12. Raw diets that contain bones can be a risk for obstuction of the bowel or perforation oth the bowel.
13 Bone marrow can cause a subclinical, acute or chronic pancreatitis to emerge
14 . Marila veterinary clinic supports an owner's right to chose what is best for their pet
16. We have seen increased food allergies in cats and dogs. A food elimimation trial is harder since the novel protein diets include many of the meats that are in the raw diet
17 feeding raw means the whole animal, not the prime cuts. Feeding only the prime cuts results in significant imbalnce of nutrition. In that case we suggest the addtion of fidovite or catbiotic to fill in the gaps of the nutrition
18. Many pets who cannot tolerate a raw food diet due to food intolerance end up on a commercial diet as this the diet they can tolerate long term.
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