Sedation During a Visit
Do we use sedation or “give them some gas” to relax them?
Yes probably sooner than later. The reason for this is the stress – factor. If we see the fear is going up and treats, tone of voice, quiet room, music, essential oils, or pheromones are not decreasing the anxiety then we would suggest this. If the visit cannot be rescheduled to a different day or time, then we would suggest this option. Are main concern is for the pet’s comfort. If we are to establish a trust with your family member then forcing the issue is going to get us the opposite response.
We use Sevoflurane at the clinic. This is one of newer inhalational anesthetic and is used in the pediatric ward of hospitals. It is inhaled and allows the pet to relax quickly ie. Within 30-60 seconds and get up just as quickly. It is not metabolized so as soon as the pet is removed from the anesthetic the pet starts to recover. Usually the pet walks out of the clinic within a few minutes.
By using this method right away when the pet shows stress that is not responding to other methods, the pet is relaxed and recovered without any memory of the event. Future visits do not induce as much stress or anxiety.
Can I help with my pet?
We would like to take the pet in back due to better lighting and supplies. Actually most pets do better without their family. The anxiety the pet feels can be from the pet parent. Animals have good natural verbal and visual cues they depend. They look to you for guidance and any change in the tone of your voice, or shift of your stance, or change in facial expression can signal danger. Our pets know us so well and so with the family member not present most of the time the pet is more calm. They depend on their cues not the family members cues.
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate –
Exposure factors, age and general health is the real question
Vaccinations are used as a means of providing both humans and animals with a basis of immunity against certain diseases. If even for just a short period of time, the body has more protection due to the antibodies its immune system has created in response to the vaccination.
Vaccinations are in important step in building your pet’s immunity from kitten or puppyhood on. While vaccinations are important, it is also important to have a basic knowledge about properly vaccinating so as not to overload an animal’s immune system. It is also beneficial to provide your animal with proper lengths of time between vaccinations to allow the body’s immune system to bounce back.
When deciding on a proper vaccination protocol for your pet, factors such as age, health, exposure and potential allergies should all come in to play.
It is important for puppies to be vaccinated against things such as Distemper, Parvovirus, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, Bordetella and of course, Rabies Virus. Kittens should be vaccinated for things such as Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Parainfluenza, Feline Leukemia Virus and Rabies.
Recognizing geographical location and direct environmental influences such as warmer climates, living in urban, suburban or farm settings, and exposure to other animals who may be infective are all things to consider when vaccinating a pet.
The health and age of your pet should also come into play, a pet who is in their puppy or kitten stages may be in better health and be at a stage in their lives where more vaccinations may be necessary. It is also important to remember some pets may have allergies to certain vaccinations. Generally it is not the vaccination itself but the adjuvant used in the vaccination. Accommodations can be made for pets with allergies.
While many people are starting to question or even stray away from vaccinations, this day and age, it is imperative to remember that many diseases have been eradicated from the pet population (for the most part) largely due to the use of vaccinations.
Using a vaccination protocol, checking titers and aiding your pet’s immune system with natural supplements and essential oils will all help in keeping your pet protected against deadly diseases and ensure their longevity.
For information on any of the diseases previously listed, vaccination protocols and the use of supplements and essential oils, please contact us here at MaRiLa Veterinary Clinic 608-798-1887
Simple Otitis externa is resolved without much treatment but an ongoing search for the inciting cause. More often than not the basis for otitis externa is allergy to either environment antigens or food antigens.
Environmental allergens are diagnosed by dermal skin tests or by blood draw. The allergens are region specific so often the area of the country the pet lives in is taken into acoount.
Food allergy can be diagnosed by food elimination and the more controversial blood test. We use both at Marila Veterinary clinic however with introduction of Royal Canin Ultimo which shortens the food elimination trial period to several weeks only this is are new route for diagnosis.
Pets can have a combination of both.
Anal sacs impaction tends to be present in the pet as well. The worst the allergy, the worse the anal sacs problems. Although some encourage removal of the anal sacs the surgery is no without potential complications. The worst being anal sphincter laxity. This can be permanent.
Simple otitis externa is diagnosed with a ear swab that is looked under a microscope. It reveals bacteria, white cells, maslassezia or yeast or little debris at all. This directs the options for ear care.
My pet just got hurt, what to do……Essential oil emergency kit for animals
When you’re out on the trail and something happens, what do you do? The nearest veterinary clinic is miles away and it is a Saturday afternoon or Sunday. A kit of essential oils maybe the answer.
This is a simple list of some of the most common essential oils that can be carried along with a pet owner. The list is the oils that cover the most conditions in the least number of bottles.
The list is not all conclusive and the many other oils can be substituted if another essential oil is more tolerated. The kit can be used on all pets. With the proper dilution all pets can benefit from the wonderful essential oils that nature has given us.
The Kit:
PURIFICATION The blend is useful for external parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. It provides protection from infectious agents as well. For any area that has ticks this is important because of the ease of transmission And the number of ticks carrying disease.
Alternative – repel away, citrus fresh , kid scents bug repellant
THIEVES This blend is the strongest antimicrobial blend available. The oils of clove, rosemary, cinnamon, lemon have been shown to be more effective than antibiotics. It is useful in wounds, abrasions, and lacerations. It is the primary oil for dental problems. It is used as a safe alternative to chemicals to clean areas that are contaminated. It is safe for kittens and puppies.
Alternatives – Melrose, Any of the single oils in thieves, Infect away, Kid scents
MELROSE This blend is useful in conjunction with R.C. and Raven for respiratory infections. This blend can be used for wounds, lacerations, and abrasions as well if thieves is not tolerated.
R.C. Use this blend for respiratory and urinary tract conditions. It is very useful for cats that have bladder inflammation that is not responding to conventional therapy. It is used for the chronic feline urinary syndrome. It is used with Raven. It is also the best oil for sinus infections especially the chronic feline rhinosinusitis.
Alternative – Breathe Again roll on , kid scents oil RAVEN This is another respiratory and urinary tract essential oil. It is more powerful than RC and covers oils not found in RC. Together the two blends complement each other.
DIGIZE Gastrointestinal conditions respond to the blend. Either diarrhea, vomiting, or internal parasites are treated with this combination of essential oils. Often nutmeg or ginger can be added to give added nausea relief.
M-GRAIN With colds, sneezing, and cough there comes sinus pressure. This blend provides relief from headaches that follow an upper respiratory tract infection.
PANAWAY Osteoarthritis is common in the older pet. This essential oil blend provides relief from pain. It also relaxes the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It can be used alone or with other pain relieving oils. It is very effective on acute injury. Using a moist towel over the area increases the effectiveness of the oils.
Alternative – Deep Relief roll-on , kid scents
RELIEVE IT this is a blend that has been found to be effective for pain. For acute pain it is found to be better. With alternate use with panaway the effective range of pain is increased (Tramadol). Often this is combined with panaway to help with severe sinus pain.
PEACE&CALMING This is just one of the blends used for stress, fear,anxiety, and behavior. It is used with other methods of behavioral modification and training. It used to calm the pet and owner. It reduces anxiety in the the owner which is a percentage of the stress component of the pet. It is useful if the pet is injured, calming the pet so other methods of care or transport to an emergency facility can be rendered. It has been useful in cats who are resistant to other forms of treatment for stress related urinary issues or excessive groomingb These are the emergency oils that every owner should have. They are versatile covering many conditions. The essential oils come in 5-15 ml bottles so storage is minimal. Using only a drop or two is sufficient in many cases. They are easily transported in a small carrying case and can fit into any backpack or purse.
Alternative – Stress away, Gentle Baby, Joy, Trauma Life, Rutavala roll on, Kid scents
Thieves bacteria, virus
Purification external parasite, odors
Immunpower immune support
Panaway bone pain
Relieve It soft tissue pain
Digize gi tract
Juvaflex liver
RC respiratory infection
Raven respiratory infection
Ginger calming stomach
Nutmeg nsaid like
Copaiba steroid like
Thyme tick
Oregano tick
Hyssop cough
Peace & Calming calming
Human Prescription Medications – cardiac meds, blood pressure meds, antidepressants, pain meds
Over the counter medications
Household items – cleaning products, expandable glues, paints
Human food – xylitol in gum, artificial sweeteners, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic
Veterinary Medications – NSAIDS, heartworm meds, phenylpropanolamine, joint supplements
Chocolate – Holiday candy
Plants – aloe, devils ivy, easterlily
Rodenticides – especially anticoagulants
Lawn and Garden fertilizers
What to do if your pet is poisoned
Your pet has just ingested something toxic. What do you do? First, take a deep breath. The more calm, cool, and collected you are, the sooner you can seek the correct medical attention. Then get a handle on the situation by taking the following steps:
1. Remove your pet from the area. Make sure no other pets or children are exposed to the area, and safely remove any poisonous material.
2. Check to make sure your pet is breathing normally and acting fine otherwise.
3. Collect a sample of the material, along with the packaging, vial, or container. You’ll need that information to help your veterinarian or a pet poison expert assess the situation.
4. Don’t give your dog any milk, food, salt, oil, or any other home remedies. Doing so will likely complicate the poisoning.
5. Never induce vomiting without talking to your veterinarian or a pet poison expert—doing so may be detrimental or contraindicated. Sometimes, to induce vomiting in dogs, it may be recommended to give hydrogen peroxide. However, hydrogen peroxide won’t help induce vomiting in cats, and stronger veterinary prescription medications are necessary to get your cat to vomit up any toxins.
6. Get help. Program your veterinarian’s phone number into your phone, as well as an emergency veterinarian’s number and a pet poison hotline number. There are two 24-hour hotlines: Pet Poison Helpline at 800-213-6680 ($35 per call) and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal’s Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 ($65 per call).
Remember that a pet’s prognosis is always better when a toxicity is reported immediately, so don’t wait to see if your pet becomes symptomatic before calling for help. Calling right away is safer for your pet and could help you save on treatment costs in the long run. Remember that there’s a narrow window of time to decontaminate in cases of poisoning.
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