There are a LOT of different diffusersThis is one of most convenient. It is a plug – in to a USB port. It can be taken everywhere and easily inserted into a port for essential oil diffusion. The opening in the top is where oils are placed for diffusion. Blends can be diffused but because of the mix of oils sometimes the ability to be dispersed is more difficult. It is better to oils with consistency that is more thin and flowing. If a thicker oil is desired then thin it out with a thinner consistency oil.This is one of the first diffusors Marila Veterinary Clinic used. It diffuses well in a smaller area such as an exam room or small bedroom. It has a glass bulb however and this can break especially at the base. Replacement bulbs are available. The small metal hole that oils are diffused out of can get clogged especially with thicker oils. Weekly maintenance is required. The diffusor is louder than others. The cord is shorter so the diffuser must be placed fairly close to the outlet. It is recommended to not use with children or pets in case the bulb breaks. If the diffuser can be kept out of the way then there is no problem. It is a good first diffusor.This is the second diffuser Marila Veterinary Clinic used. It provided better coverage in the exam room. It still needed maintenance cleaning but not as frequently. It was the diffusor we sold to those interested in purchasing a first diffusor.The Aria Diffuser is the third one Marila Veterinary Clinic used and still does. It is behind the front desk since it also has a glass dome. The glass dome is thicker and breakage has not been a problem. The maintenance is every other week. We have had the Aria for 4 years and it still is diffusing well. IT PLAYS MUSIC AND IT HAS COLORED LED LIGHTS. It is the preferred diffusor for the clinic. It disperses essential oils well and people have commented on how nice it looks. The other diffusor pictured allows someone to attach a bottle of oil to the diffuser stem and the mist comes out the spigot at the top. We have no experience with this diffuser however.
When the ancestors of the modern day dog were in the wild, they would kill an animal and eat the digestive tract contents. This is where the dog received its vegetables, B vitamins, probiotics and digestive enzymes. Modern day commercially processed dog food is extruded to add palatability and stability, but it is the heat of the extrusion process (the making of kibble) that destroys those same B-vitamins, probiotics and digestive enzymes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a veterinarian like me to realize there are benefits to supplementation.
Doctor’s Choice developed Fido-Vite because there was no product on the market that fit the needs to deal with the nutrition problems I was seeing. Fido-Vite is the best and most complete complement to commercial dog food available. Fido-Vite is also an excellent complement to raw food or barf diets. Fido-Vite comes in a palatable meal form so all the enzymes, B-vitamins and probiotics added to the product are available to elevate the dog’s health. No matter how good a product looks, it can’t help the dog if they won’t consume it. Backed up with solid research, Being a veterinarian, I can’t stress enough the importance of intestinal health to the overall health of the dog. That’s why at Doctor’s Choice, we say“Improving Health… From the Inside Out”.
I have enjoyed seeing the overall health benefits in dogs using Fido-Vite. My own Labrador Retrievers and Corgi dogs have had large healthy litters of puppies long after most bitches would be considered done producing. My wife Wendy, daughter Nicole and I have really enjoyed raising these dogs and seeing the health benefits and longevity from Fido-Vite.
R. Dean Meyer DVM
Nutritional and Vitamin supplements for pets.We use the products at Marila Veterinary clinic for pets with cancer, liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal concerns. The products provide overall whole body support to assist in conventional treatment plans.
Some of the products used most commonly at our clinic:
There are many other products listed that provide a natural means to support the pet. The products are used with conventional forms of treatment or by themselves if the pet cannot tolerate the traditional route.
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